Ransomware Attack Wreaks Havoc On Prison Employees And Inmates
Chalk up another first for the hackers. For the first time that we know of, a successful hacking attack caused prisoners in New Mexico to be confined to their cells for a time. The Metropolitan...
View ArticleReport Says PC Sales Went Up Ten Percent In 2021
According to the latest Gartner's statistics, a total of 339.8 million personal computers were shipped in 2021. That was up from 309.1 million in 2020 which amounts to about 10 percent growth in the...
View ArticleNew Malware Can Infect Linux, Mac, Or Windows Users
There's a new strain of malware called SysJoker to be mindful of. It's especially dangerous because it can target Windows, Mac or Linux systems. That makes it an equal opportunity strain. Researchers...
View ArticleApple Safari Bug May Leak Personal Information And History
There was a recently discovered issue with the way the IndexedDB API was implemented in Safari's WebKit engine. This is giving IT professionals who work in an environment dominated by Apple products...
View ArticleTop 10 Brands That Phishing Attackers Use To Scam Users
Scammers delight in impersonating government agencies and well-known brands to lure email recipients into giving up their personal information. That information is then either exploited directly or...
View ArticleSupport Comes To An End For iOS 14 For iPhone Devices
When Apple first released iOS 15 they posted a promise on their website. That promise was: "If you're using iOS or iPadOS 14.5 or later, you might now see the option to choose between two software...
View ArticleThis Plugin Could Put Your WordPress Site At Risk
The WP HTML Mail plugin has been installed on more than 20,000 websites. If you've built a WordPress site for your business and you use that plugin, be aware that you are at risk. A high severity...
View ArticleVulnerability In This Cisco Software Could Allow Hackers Access
Cisco recently discovered a critical security flaw in their Cisco Redundancy Configuration Manager (RCM) for Cisco StarOS. The vulnerability allowed an attacker to execute code arbitrarily and gain...
View ArticleE-Mail From Department Of Labor Could Be Phishing Attack
There is a new phishing campaign to keep a watchful eye on according to email security firm INKY. It's a particularly fiendish one. The attackers have designed an email template that does an admirable...
View ArticleAndroid Apps Are Coming To Windows 11
One of the most persistently frustrating aspects of our highly interconnected world is that we seem to exist in at least three different distinct ecosystems. Apple users live in the Apple ecosystem...
View ArticleApple Released A Fix For Multiple Zero Day Exploits
There's good news for Apple users. The company has been busy and has recently released security updates that address two Zero-Day vulnerabilities. These are security flaws that could be exploited by...
View ArticleDark Herring Subscription Scam Affected Millions Of Android Users
Google partner Zimperium zLabs has recently discovered a sophisticated scam targeting more than 100 million Android users. The scam has been in operation right under Google's nose for nearly two years....
View ArticleHigh Profile Instagram Accounts Being Held For Ransom By Hackers
Hackers have recently hit upon a new money-making scheme. Some groups have started breaking into Instagram accounts belonging to people with high numbers of followers. They are then holding those...
View ArticleSuspicious Files Get New Warnings In Google Drive
If you have Google Drive, there's good news. The company has recently announced that soon they'll be rolling out a new feature to help alert users to the presence of suspicious documents. Google Drive...
View ArticleNew Android Malware Steals Data And Factory Resets Phones
BRATA malware was first spotted in the wilds by Kaspersky back in 2019. Its earliest incarnation saw it targeting e-banking users and it was designed to steal banking and login credentials of anyone...
View ArticleAdditional Security Recently Added To Office 365
Back in September of 2020 Microsoft announced that it was experimenting with the addition of SMTP MTA Strict Transport Security (MTA-STS) support to Exchange Online. This was done in a bid to ensure...
View ArticleMac Malware Is Becoming A Bigger Threat For Users
In late 2020 a new strain of malware called UpdateAgent appeared and began infecting Mac users. Initially the strain wasn't all that worrisome. It stole system information but it was by no means the...
View ArticleMicrosoft Defender Adds Cross Platform Mobile Protections
Microsoft recently announced an important upgrade to Microsoft Defender. It now supports vulnerability management for both Android and iOS. The company's announcement reads in part as follows: "With...
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